Have you ever been sleep not enough for the body need?
I am the one that always have a little to sleep, so today I will present a solution for you.
First we have to agree that human should sleep at night not on a day, because hormone in our body are manage like that. On a day when it have light some hormone are pour and make our body active for our activity on a day.
around 16.00-17.00 pm. an amount of hormonr are reduce and replace by another hormone, this hormone make us feel sleepy and prepare for sleep. So if you against a hormone cycle your body will lost a balance and you will easy to sick.
The solution for deprived of sleep
1. you have to eat food that have vitamin B and C beacuse when we deprived of sleep the amount of our hormone will confuse and make our brain seirous, so we have to eat food that have vitamin C and B to after breakfast
2.At night if you have to give yourself an energy. actually a food that we had eat it can give us an energy for 6 hour. So if you want to eat at night, a kind of food it should easily digested.Because we have a little to sleep so we should not to bother our stomach, if you eat a food that hard to digested it will make you sleep fitfully.
3.You should sleep immediately after you finish your activity. because you have a little time to sleep you should not do any activiy because it waste your time to sleep. you should sleep atless 4 hour that will make your body healthty.
4.You should not drink coffee at night because coffee have a effect to your body about 6-8 hour.If you drink coffee at 22.00pm it mean you can sleep at 4.00 am. it make you have a little time to sleep.
it nearly for a final examination I think it can help you.